Deldhub was created to assist youths, parents, teachers, caregivers, young adults and those that care for aging youth with disabilities. The website primarily focuses on ages 14 to 28 years of age. Take advantage of the lesson plans and helpful information under the categories of education, emergency preparedness, employment, health, housing, It's My Life, legal, Special Ed and IDEA, transportation, and understanding my disability.
A lot takes place during the transition years both while the youth is in high school and beyond. After attending transition cadre meetings we found it necessary to make the website easier to navigate and provide information for teachers and transition coordinators. This area will continue to grow and your input is helpful. If you find information that is suited to Deldhub let us know.
Our primary focus is on Delaware, but we know teachers, students and parents from across the U. S. and world make use of the site. Please encourage parents and students to use Deldhub.
The ultimate goal of Deldhub is one for the greater good: Helping Make the Transition Years Informed, Grow Self-Advocates, and Prepare Tomorrow's Young Adults with Disabilities.
The teacher's toolbox gives you access to all content on the website. We have created a few new categories on transitions and there are a number of new lesson plans to help you in the classroom.

Resources to help teachers instruct youth and teens with disabilities in transition.

Some creative ideas for teaching transitional teens growing into young adults.

This website has a lot of videos to help you teach your students things they need to know.
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