Contact Us
The Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens office is located at:
George V. Massey Station
516 West Loockerman Street
Dover, Delaware 19904
To contact Deldhub & GACEC about website additions or questions, email us at
Our Staff
Pam Weir
Executive Director

Pam has eighteen years of human services experience; she has worked with children and adults with disabilities in various capacities including, provision of direct care for children with disabilities. She has collaborated with families to help them navigate public and private services. She has engaged with families through leadership and advocacy training to empower them and ensure inclusion for their child.
She has 10 years’ experience in program management and implementation to include, development and implementation of policies and procedures. She has extensive experience aligning processes with federal and state regulations, including development and implementation of evaluation plans to measure and monitor effectiveness of programs. Pam has provided oversight and support for the Part C of IDEA Interagency Coordinating Council and representation on statewide committees and councils to ensure inclusion of program initiatives.
Pam is a graduate of Wesley College and is currently pursuing a degree in Behavioral Science at Wilmington University. She enjoys spending time with her husband of twenty-four years and her 3 children; her two sons, ages 21 and 22, attend the University of Delaware, her daughter, age 24, is a student in the Del Tech Nursing program.
She is looking forward to enhancing her understanding and experience in her new role and will work diligently to support the mission of the GACEC and the councils’ work in support of all Delawareans with exceptionalities or disabilities across the lifespan.
Kathie P. Cherry
Office Manager

Kathie Cherry is the wife of a retired U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant, mother of three adult children and grandmother to one grandchild. Two of her three children are on the Autism Spectrum, a factor that has directed Kathie's life since the early 1980's. The family moved to Delaware in 1997 so their son could attend the John S. Charlton School, which is the Kent County center for the statewide Delaware Autism Program.
Before moving to Delaware, Kathie began her foray into advocacy by starting a parent support group in her community for families of children with disabilities called "People Who Care". She was later employed by the New Mexico Autism Program as a Parent Liaison for three counties and by the Arc of New Mexico as a Parent Coordinator and grassroots advocate.
Her need to learn led her to the Partners in Policymaking advocacy training program in 1995 and to the same program in Delaware in 2000. Kathie worked for the Client Assistance Program for three years before joining the Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) in November of 2000.
Having taken college classes for a number of years in a number of locations around the Country, she finally graduated from Delaware Technical and Community College in Dover in 2009 with an Associate's Degree in Human Services.
Kathie continues to be an active member of Autism Delaware and the Arc of Delaware and is able to provide information on disability issues to the community through her work with the GACEC.
Lacie Jo Spence
Administrative Coordinator

Lacie Spence is the Administrative Coordinator for the Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC). Originally from Delaware, she graduated from Polytech high school and received her technical diploma in Dental Assisting in 2002, then went on to receive her Associates Degree in Dental Hygiene from Delaware Technical and Community College in 2006. Throughout college, she received training from "Practice Without Pressure" and also conducted her table clinic on treating patients with Autism. She worked as a dental hygienist for a private practice for fifteen years where she served people from diverse backgrounds, including individuals with various disabilities.
Through her continuing education courses over the years, Lacie has expanded her knowledge on challenges that persons with disabilities face, particularly when it comes to dental and healthcare treatment. Lacie has always had a passion and interest for learning more about the disability community. She has been volunteering and doing contract work for the GACEC since 1998.
Now a wife and mother of three beautiful children, Lacie hopes to bring her skills and devotion to helping make a positive impact for individuals with disabilities.