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Delaware Disability Hub Homepage

DelDHub Advisory Committee

2025 Meetings

March 6th
April 10th
May 29th
August 21st
October 2nd
November 12th

The DelDHub is intended to serve as a wealth of knowledge and a resource for people with disabilities and their families. The material on the DelDHub is supposed to cover statewide and national resources for people with disabilities as well as provide information specific to a wide range of disabilities. As such, the GACEC has created a committee of Delaware experts on disability working in multiple fields to discuss the current content on the website for its relevance and educational benefit as well as making decisions for adding content submitted by organizations who want to contribute to the DelDHub.


If you are interested in becoming a member of the DelDHub Advisory Committee or you are part of an organization who would like to be a contributor to the DelDHub, email us.

2025 Meetings

  • March 6th
  • April 10th
  • May 29th
  • August 21st
  • October 2nd
  • November 12th

Meeting Agenda's

Marketing Materials