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18+ Years Old
Age 18+ High School to College or Employment
- Student participates in the IEP.
- Student transition from school to adult services should be finished.
- If going to college, find out about accommodations and housing for people with disabilities.
- Finish public school, special education services. Get summary of your performance to help you meet your post-secondary goals.
- Document steps taken to ensure student's preferences, strengths and interests are considered even if they are not at the IEP meeting.
- Parent should be given annual notices from IDEA.
- Teach young adults how to transfer medications to local pharmacy if going to college.
- Discuss health insurance and deductibles.
- Make sure young adult knows how to interact with doctors and staff and understands what an emergency is and what to do if one occurs.
- Ensure young adults take responsibility for healthcare insurance.
- Enroll in adult long-term care if necessary.
- Check to ensure that young adult can stay on parent's health insurance until 26 if needed.
Parent/Caregiver and Young Adult Interaction
- Research college options.
- Act as a resource for your young adult by encouraging independence.
- Prepare wills or trusts to plan for future.
- Look into alternative living such as section 8 housing or group homes.
- Consider how youth will make BIG decisions when they turn 18 and arrange for assistance if necessary.
- Research supported decision making to determine if this may be an option for your young adult.
- Help young person develop and use self-determination and self-advocacy skills.
- Look for movies, YouTube videos, books, etc., that show people with disabilities making a living on their own.
- Discuss possible supports/services that may be needed from outside agencies and how funding sources could benefit student such as SSI, Medicaid, DVR, Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS), etc.
- Identify and apply for services provided by adult agencies.
- Initiate eligibility process for adult services in state.
- Be persistent when accessing services.
- Complete DDDS application, if applicable.
- Apply for Section 8 housing if desired.
- Establish connection with DART Paratransit or public transportation if needed.