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Picture of a Chalkboard with My Story Written On It

Calley Robichaud

Photo of Calley Robichaud

As I was transitioning my Delaware Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS) and Career and Life Studies Certificate Program at the University of Delaware (CLSC) counselors were very helpful. After finishing high school, I took a fashion class, a wildlife conservation class and a western theater class.  When I went to the University of Delaware I was living in the dorms.  I made a lot of new friends.  The homework was pretty tough.  I had to schedule with the rest of the freshman so sometimes I could not get the classes I wanted because they were already full.

When I moved into the college dorms I had to figure out my overnight support.  It all worked out. I did a lot of new things on campus and made new friends. I joined the fashion club and got to be a mentor to some first year students.

I am involved with Best Buddies, the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental   and Related Disabilities program (LEND) and am in the (CLSC) as an Alumni coordinator.

Right now, I work part time at the front desk of the Brandywine YMCA.

Currently I am living with my parents but my goal is to have a family and live on my own. I am starting to look for an apartment in Newark, DE.

Keep trying new things even if you're nervous. There were things I was scared of but my friends and coaches helped me with overcoming them.